Underage Drinking
The reader will thus note that many of the activities involve the brewing sector supporting and funding the activities of specialists, of teachers, of parents, of NGOs, to discourage underage drinking. In particular research shows the importance of peers, and parents in particular, in influencing adolescents’ attitudes towards alcohol and the likelihood of a minor consuming beer or stronger alcoholic beverages.
A major plank of the brewers’ work in this area also involves the development and deployment of tools to support the prevention of sales to underage people below the legal purchasing age, which typically varies from 16 years to 18 years for beer and wine, depending on the country. This is typically an area where there is a law in place in all EU countries, but legislation can only be effective if it is implemented by sellers and servers and enforced by governments and the police.
Tackling underage drinking was one of the main priorities of the 2006 EU Strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol related harm, having been one of the principle triggers behind the decision to develop an EU Strategy. It is a major focus area of the WHO’s Global Strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol and is also probably the main recurring theme in the numerous EU Member State national alcohol policies developed in the lead-up to and following the adoption of the EU Strategy. It is also a key part of the 2014-2016 Action Plan on Youth Drinking and on Heavy Episodic Drinking endorsed at EU level by the Committee on National Alcohol Policy and Action (CNAPA) in September 2014, so has proved to be a key focus area also for some Pledge activities over that same period.
Here below just some of the activities supported by companies and associations over the duration of the Beer Pledge.
"Power in the family!"

“Drink Responsibly” campaign

16 years old? Prove it!

Alcohol doesn’t make you big

Alcohol doesn’t make you big

AssoBirra supporting The Permanent Observatory on Youth and Alcohol

Beer? Sorry, only from 16

Blue Monday App - managing celebrations around entering into adulthood

Booze - campaign tp raise awareness of the risks associated with alcohol consumption among young people

Brew a Better World 2030 - global harm reduction partnerships

Don’t be angry, prove yourself

Efficient Parents, Happy Children

Encouraging responsible drinking by making 0.0% beer available everywhere

Enjoy beer consciously (Bier bewusst genießen)

Famous Lithuanian basketball player asked adults not to buy alcohol for underage

I drink responsibly

Let’s talk with minors about the dangers of alcohol abuse

Making amateur sports healthier

New ways to encourage responsible attitudes towards beer consumption

Parents’ campaign, run by The Drinkaware Trust

PASS, the national proof of age accreditation scheme in the UK

Pilot of life skills and alcohol education in schools

Promotion of responsible alcohol consumption and behaviour

Respect 18 - tackling the existing tolerance of underage drinking among adults

Responsible Server training

Speak Clearly (FALAR CLARO)

Sport is the better way for children to grow up

Study and Prevention Plan

Talk about alcohol (Prata Om Alkohol)

The first Global Beer Responsibility Day

Toolkit to instruct student bar keepers on serving alcohol responsibly

Turn on your conscience – sometimes you need to say no to children

