Commercial Communications
Within the EU Beer Pledge it was also thus logical that one key pillar should be around“Ensuring responsible advertising and marketing”, building upon the 7 Operational Standards and helping brewers and brewers’ associations locally to ensure that self-regulatory mechanisms remained up to speed with development in the marketing landscape, in particular with regard to the increased role for digital and social media.
Doing so, not only did the Head of Facebook’s EU office address the event in the European Parliament in February 2012 launching the EU Beer Pledge, where she welcomed the Pledge and gave her support to the brewers’ new Forum commitment on social media, but The Brewers of Europe became an associated partner on the Responsible Marketing Pact. The RMP is managed by the World Federation of Advertisers (whose membership includes the major brewing companies in Europe), and contributes to the work to strengthen the consistency of mechanisms governing advertising of alcoholic beverages in Europe and ensure self regulation mechanisms keep up to speed with the realities of the market.
In the lead-up to the official launch of the RMP, since the adoption of the Beer Pledge, companies and associations have nevertheless still moved forward, with the 7 Operational Standards remaining a useful reference point for ensuring self-regulatory systems governing beer advertising be fit for purpose.
Agreement on advertising and marketing of alcohol beverages

Alcohol Advertising Board website

An annual report, compiles the complaints on beer commercial communications

APCV’s brewers’ code of self-regulation for all commercial communications

Cars built with love should be used with care

Collaboration targeted at the protection of children and young people

Consume with pleasure and moderation

Developing a new social media code

E-learning course to help the brewing industry and the advertising agencies to advertise

Enjoy beer consciously (Bier bewusst genießen)

Global Heineken campaigns to promote responsible consumption

Good marketing practices and interpretation of the Danish Code of Practice for Alcohol

Heineken global industry pledges

Heineken Responsible Marketing Code

Join Team ZERO

Keep awareness of the importance of the Self-regulation Code

Making amateur sports healthier

Marketing Communication Policy supporting the ambition and efforts for responsible enjoyment of beer

Monitoring beer advertisements

Reinforcing responsible marketing communications

Replacing signs for alcoholic beers along sports fields at amateur sports venues by signs for non-alcoholic beer

Reviewing all TV advertisements for alcoholic beverages by a Preliminary Inspection Committee

Self-regulation for responsible marketing

Self-regulatory marketing code

Sponsoring measures carried out in such a way that the protection of children and young people is guaranteed and alcohol abuse in general is prevented

Study investigating the consequences of choosing a non-alcoholic option in social situations where alcohol is also consumed.

The Finnish Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry, transferring its hockey sponsorship to 0,0 % beer

Training for marketing and consumer-facing employees

Workshops on the Brewers of Romania’s Commercial Code of Communication