Excessive consumption
However, contrary to the three other sub-pillars of the Beer Pledge pillar on addressing alcohol misuse, this sub-pillar was open to more interpretation, both in terms of the definition of binge drinking, which varies, and the objectives in addressing it. With regard to pregnancy, driving and underage, the overall message is one of “don’t drink”, whilst addressing binge drinking is a broader question of volumes, speed, intentions, outcomes, alcoholic strength etc.
For this reporting cycle, we have thus expanded the chapter towards all instances of consuming excessively, including binge drinking (in particular where this relates to young adults) but also occasions and locations when people should drink less or not at all (excluding pregnancy, driving and underage). We have also included workplace initiatives, both with the workplace as opportunity for conveying messages but also in view of company alcohol policies. Finally, brewers have also been supporting some activities to support people with addiction problems, such as initiatives towards people suffering from alcoholism.
Here below are just some of the activities carried out by brewing companies and associations over the reporting period to address the issue of excessive and inappropriate consumption and to promote responsible and moderate beer consumption.
‘Best Bar None’ programme

0% alcohol, 100% supporter

ABinBev's six City Pilots for reducing alcohol misuse

Alcohol free beers tastes like real beer

Alcohol in the workplace - a guide

Annual social awareness campaign from the Spanish Brewers

Are You Ready? (Er du klar?)

Beyond quantity: binge drinking vs. drunkenness

Brew a Better World 2030 - global harm reduction partnerships

Common project involving industry and the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic

Competition for students to buildi awareness for ‘Drink with Respect’ campaign

Delivering responsible drinking messages during the 2012 football championships

Discover and enjoy the world of beer but always stay responsible

Drink Aware Malta

Drink with Respect

Dutch Brewers Association promoting beer with low and no alcohol

Encouraging responsible drinking by making 0.0% beer available everywhere

Enjoy beer consciously (Bier bewusst genießen)

Feet on the Street

Funding Drinkaware and “Why let good times go bad?

German Brewers’ Association adopting the Brewers’ Code

Highlighting the commitment of the hospitality sector to adopt a conscientious approach to re-opening after the covid19 restrictions

K-LEE-DECK Chill-Out Zone at summer festivals

Making amateur sports healthier

Moderation Matters

Night patrols

Poster campaigns highlighting the law on selling or buying alcohol for someone who is drunk

Raising awareness about responsible consumption

Responsibility themed Facebook posts on Global Beer Responsibility Day in Finland

Responsible consumption messages as part of sponsorship activities

Responsible drinking in student associations through the availability on non-alcoholic beer

Rock Moderately And Responsibly

Serial Buveur, Social Loseur

Special event in Malmö with a focus on non-alcoholic beers

Study and Prevention Plan

UK Government’s “Responsibility Deal”

You are not nice when you are wasted