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Raising awareness about responsible consumption

Owners : Panimoliitto

In April 2012 the Finnish Brewers launched a new website – – to raise awareness about responsible consumption. The website, where 18-30 year olds can define their own alcohol consumption, follows in the footsteps of the award-winning “Drunk, you’re a fool” campaign and seeks to both spark debate about the still prevailing culture of drunkenness in Finland and encourage every consumer to evaluate their own consumption.

“Kohtuullisesti” is loosely translated as “moderately” or “responsibly”. Its aim is to make people think and provide tools for them to estimate what is moderate consumption and what is not. The website provides a forum in which moderate alcohol consumption can be discussed frankly. It seeks to spark off debate about Finland’s still prevailing culture of binge drinking, and also to encourage consumers to evaluate and moderate their own alcohol consumption.

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