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Common project involving industry and the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic

Owners : Slovenské Združenie Výrobcov Piva a Sladu

In Slovakia, 2012 saw a landmark first ever common project involving industry and the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic (PHASR). This annual initiative by the Slovak Brewers also includes cooperation with the Police Headquarters of the Slovak Republic, and the Road Traffic Safety Department of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic (BECEP). The campaign has been held under the auspices of the Chairman of the Public Health Committee of the Slovak Parliament with positive reactions of the media. The objective of the Responsibility Day is to provide the public with information on the consequences of alcohol abuse and to show them the possibilities for prevention. In 2012 the PHASR conducted over 3500 examinations in hospitals, pharmacies, shopping centres and other venues across 36 towns. Test centres were located in selected shopping centres, pharmacies, hospitals and municipal offices as well as some other institutions. Tests offered included a liver test (a raised level can be connected with alcohol abuse), blood pressure measurement, and a short questionnaire related to alcohol consumption. Interested people were examined and over 1800 questionnaires completed regarding alcohol consumption. The Slovak Brewers ran a special patrol handing out information leaflets and contact details for the public to obtain further information.