Stay fresh

In Belgium and the Netherlands, where the BOB designated driver campaigns are well established, individual brands also support the messages against drink driving. In the Netherlands AB InBev ran the “stay fresh” campaign in Breda in 2012, in co-operation with the police of Central and West-Brabant, Safe Traffic Netherlands (Breda), Peutax and the government of Breda, to reduce alcohol-related traffic accidents. It was aimed mainly at sports people having a drink after the match. In Belgium on the other hand a full digital national media campaign by AB InBev took place during the last weeks of December 2014 with the key message: Ho Ho Ho – Don’t Drink & Drive – Chauffeurs Know Why – Jupiler (Ho Ho Ho – Niet Drinken & Rijden – Chauffeurs weten waarom). The target group was young men 18 – 34 and the message was shown 13 million times.