BOB: promoting no drink and driving by encouraging people to appoint designated drivers

Veilig Verkeer Nederland (traffic safety organisation) promotes no drinking and driving by encouraging people to appoint designated drivers (Bob). Bob-campaign teams take part in alcohol traffic controls and are present at large events (concert, sport events, festivals, etc). Bob-messaging is also communicated through road signs and via commercials on social media, radio and television. The Dutch Brewers Association is partner of the campaign.
In 2019 a Bob-campaigning team was present at 35 alcohol traffic controls, during which 26,701 breathing tests were taken. In the same year a Bob-campaign team was present for 75 days at events (concerts, sportsmachtes, fesitvals, etc.) at which 32,270 alcohol breathing tests were performed.
In 2021, the Covid pandemic meant the Bob-campaign did not take part in any events. But there were two national campaigns on radio and television, a Bob-summer hit (streamed almost 150,000 times) and 32,000 people were reached via social media.