Pass the Wheel When You Drink

“Pass the Wheel When You Drink” is a campaign of the Romanian brewers association, Berarii Romaniei recommending drivers not to drive after drinking alcohol. It is run in co-operation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Road Traffic Police Authority within the General Police Inspectorate of Romania and the National Audiovisual Council. In 2012, the new media partner was a well-known Romanian radio station and the idea was that using a pair of alcohol goggles five DJ’s from the radio station were invited to try to drive a car. The “experiment” was shared with their fans during their radio shows or on Facebook pages. The “experiment” was also filmed and posted on the Facebook page “Iubesc berea”. In 2013, with the same concept and partners, TV was used to promote the campaign, based on a media plan. The spot was a collage made of previous years’ campaigns. In this way, there were 1,119 broadcasts on the main Romanian TV stations, between December 2013 and January 2014. In 2014, an animated TV ad was developed targeting drivers between 18 – 35 years of age. The ad pictures a night out, dancing and drinking, up to the moment when the friend who did not drink is called to drive everybody safe back home. The ad was broadcast during December 2014 and January 2015 according to a media plan of almost 1,500 showings on 13 TV stations. The campaign stated that “what certainly is neither perfect nor normal is to drive your car home after you drink. So you should rely on a friend who did not drink alcohol that night. Pass the steering wheel when you drink!” In 2015, the same animated TV advert as in 2014 was broadcast between December 2015 and January 2016 according to a media plan of almost 2205 showings on 29 TV stations. The audience was over 813,000 persons of the target 25-35 ABC1 urban, 63% men and 37% women.