Global Heineken campaigns to promote responsible consumption

When You Drive Never Drink is a positive message that Heineken is passionate about because responsible consumption is at the core of brand, demonstrated by our public commitment to invest 10% of Heineken media spend in dedicated responsible consumption campaign, reaching more than 1.2 billion unique consumers worldwide.
This platform communicates a powerful anti-drink driving message that when you’re behind the wheel, abstinence is the only option. It is a serious message but Heineken’s point of view on the topic has been to share it in a positive way and to do more than just warn people about the dangers of drink driving but also inspire consumers to act and change behaviour.
Example campaigns include the 2020 Heineken campaign to re-focus the world’s attention to the When You Drive Never Drink message. The story takes this theme through a relatable story of familial rivalry between father and son, but not just any father and son, both former world champions, Keke and Nico Rosberg! Using the two legendary racing drivers’ iconic status Heineken in their uniquely witty tone shared the message that no matter how confident a driver you are, the best driver is always the one that doesn’t drink, and when you are behind the wheel, abstinence is the only option – regardless of your ability.Heineken® has been the official global beer partner of Formula One™ since 2016. All four of the ‘best practice areas’ have been covered through the series of campaign activity since the inception of the partnership. The campaign has been running for five years and has been executed across over 50 markets globally.