Don’t touch the wheel while drinking!

In Estonia, hard hitting messages were included in a summer 2015 branded campaign of Saku in collaboration with the Estonian Social Insurance Board with the catch phrases ”Don’t touch the wheel while drinking!” and ”You won’t crawl behind the wheel wasted!” in the Estonian language. The campaign celebrated 20 years of the “Rock” brand and the aim was to encourage people to share their stories of the brand. The main prize was a Mercedes G-class jeep, which featured in the campaign video. In July 1-4, 2015 during the annual beer festival ‘Ollesummer’ in cooperation with local police and event organizers, participants of the festival were able to take free of charge alcohol breathalyser tests as a way to deter drunk driving after the festival. The campaign page was visited by 1,146 users and the total number of stories submitted was 521.