Turn on your conscience – sometimes you need to say no to children

The last campaign`s edition took place in Q4 2021, and it was carried out in cooperation with four retail chains in Croatia. Posters and stickers that communicate the message of prohibited sale of alcohol to minors were placed on visible places in its stores all over Croatia, and an infographic explaining why alcohol is not for minors was created for their employees.
Alongside raising awareness about the age limit for alcohol consumption permitted in accordance with Croatian law, another campaign`s objective was to strengthen capacities of teenagers` parents. Qualitative research was conducted with parents of teenagers (aged 13 to 18) to get insights into parents` fears, challenges, and knowledge about underage drinking. Based on the results, digital educational platform was created in cooperation with the NGO “You are OK”. The platform included Guide for parents with concrete advice how to better understand children needs during adolescence and how to talk about alcohol with them. The content was also enriched with personal parenthood experiences of campaign ambassadors (i.e., influencers).
To amplify the platform`s visibility, a cooperation with the most influential media in Croatia (24 sata) was established. Through banner ads campaign on 24sata.hr prejudices on underage drinking were demystified and parents were called to find out more about the topic on the platform. In addition, nine articles were created and published in 24 sata (print/online).
To reach out to parents, cooperation with influencers who are parents themselves was established. They spoke about this topic sharing their personal parenthood experiences on their social media channels; media partners` channels and on the press conference, that also gathered speakers from the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and from brewers` association.
The campaign was very successful, and it achieved all set communication goals. For instance, the educational platform generated more than 18,000 views in one month only, while two native articles on 24sata.hr were visited almost 50,000 times.
In addition, earlier editions of campaign included around 1.000 locations in Croatia (coffee shops, bars, and retail chains), and the edition from 2019 received two international awards on Native Advertising AWARDS (Copenhagen).