Respect 18 – tackling the existing tolerance of underage drinking among adults

The Respect 18 project started as a communication and educational campaign in 2013 in the Czech Republic. The initial founders were the Municipality of Pilsen, Plzensky Prazdroj and the Center for Drug Prevention and Therapy. Between 2013 and 2015, the communication campaign focused on tackling the existing tolerance of underage drinking among adults, while the education campaign targeted on and off-trade alcohol retailers and sought to strengthen understanding, give advice and help with managing situations within their establishments.
Activities included: a press conference with the Mayor of Pilsen and the partners of the program; an outdoor campaign with posters on public transport stations; a new website,; and media communication. The campaign was based on testimonials from three actual people – a bartender, a shopkeeper and a family. In August 2013, an exhibition was organised with the support of eight famous people, who shared their views on the issue of underage drinking. By 2015, 622 influencers and 94,291 other adults had been engaged.
Between 2016 and 2019 the project was expanded from the city of Pilsen to other Czech regions, gaining new partners: the Moravia-Silesia region, Pilsen region, Prague 13 and Prague 14, Ostrava city, and Společnost Podané ruce. Since 2017, the campaign has focused mainly on parents and adults, aimimg to reduce public tolerance towards underage drinking and prevention within families. Activities include the Respect 18 stand with activities at public events for parents and children; a communication campaign including digital communication’ articles with experts; and public surveys. Between 2017 and 2021 more than 368,000 people were engaged by the campaign. The project was awarded the silver prize as a Socially responsible project at the TOP Responsible Company Awards in 2017. In 2021 a new online consultation service called “Let´s talk about it” was set up.
In 2017, Plzensky Prazdroj and OZ Prima initiated the Respect 18 project in Slovakia, aiming to reduce public tolerance towards underage drinking and prevention within Slovak families. Activities include: the Respect 18 stand at public events for parents and children, a communication campaign including digital communication, articles with experts, public surveys, and a website with information for parents In 2021, the Respect 18 campaign engaged with more than 30,000 people in Slovakia.