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Pink Bazaar – addressing the issue of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Owners : Asahi
Stakeholders : Union of maternity centers OZ Prima Katolícka univerzita Fascinujúce deti
In 2013 Pivovary Topvar (the predecessor of Plzensky Prazdroj Slovakia) set up the ‘Pink Bazaar’ in Slovakia, a unique method to connect different target groups and partners and create a special opportunity to address women and the public at large on the issue of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). It consisted of a collection of celebrity vintage and designer clothes sold at a reasonable price at a vintage market.
From the beginning of the campaign, it was made clear that all proceeds would be donated to the Peter Dvorsky Foundation, an NGO which deals with FAS syndrome prevention. Topvar also launched an alcohol calculator application for women, with detailed information about FAS and the effects of alcohol on women. In 2015 Pivovary Topvar launched a campaign called ‘9 months 0 per ml’ in cooperation with the Union of maternity centres and OZ Prima NGO to raise awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol during pregnancy. The activities included: a communication campaign based on facts from a public survey, an information stand in a shopping centre in Bratislava and the engagement of 20 on-trade premises. In 2019 Plzensky Prazdroj Slovakia joined with Katolicka univerzita and OZ Fascinujuce deti and reached more than 433,000 people in the communication campaign ‘9 months 0 per ml’. 2021 was the last year of the FAS awareness campaign on Instagram and in media. More than 43,000 people in total were reached.