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Parents’ campaign, run by The Drinkaware Trust

Owners : British Beer and Pub Association
Stakeholders : The Drinkaware Trust

In the UK the latest phase of the Parents’ campaign, run by The Drinkaware Trust, which receives funding from UK Brewers went live in 2013. Parents are the single biggest influence on a child’s attitude towards alcohol and this campaign encourages them to talk to their children about alcohol before they start drinking and to maintain a dialogue. It also helps them understand the critical influence of their own drinking and attitudes towards alcohol on their children. Drinking alcohol at too young an age puts children at risk. This might be poor educational performance, risky sexual behaviour, or engaging in criminal activity. Delaying the age at which children consume alcohol can have a significant impact and parents have a key role in shaping both their attitudes and behaviour. This campaign highlights the risks of children drinking underage and discourages parents from providing alcohol. The campaign ran online, on local radio and on posters across the country and was supported heavily by industry stakeholders.