E-learning course to help the brewing industry and the advertising agencies to advertise

As one of the member associations of the German Advertising Standards Council, the German Brewers Association is committed to the code of conduct for commercial communication for alcoholic beverages. This advertising code clearly defines which advertising messages the producers of alcoholic beverages are allowed to send to which target groups and in which form – and thus also provides breweries in Germany with a clear guideline. The code applies to all forms of advertising – offline and online – and supplements the legal regulations for alcohol advertising for decades. Violations of the Code only occur in a few individual cases and are consistently punished by the German Advertising Council.
In order to simplify compliance with these rules in everyday life and to inform breweries even more comprehensively, the German Brewers Association has developed an e-learning course at the beginning of 2022. The 15-minute training course helps employees in the brewing industry and the advertising agencies they commission to decide what is permissible, where particular caution is required and what content is better avoided. Numerous examples are used to illustrate the most common case scenarios from practice.