Increasing the popularity of non-alcoholic beers

Non-alcoholic beers are becoming increasingly popular: in 2021, the market share of non-alcoholic beers in the German beer market was already 8 percent – and rising. There are now over 700 different non-alcoholic beer brands, making Germany’s brewers world leaders in the production of the highest quality non-alcoholic beers.
In view of this very positive and long-lasting development, the German brewers have set themselves the brewers have set themselves the goal of making a contribution to further strengthen the segment of non-alcoholic beers, to segment, to communicate it positively and to make it even better known. The corresponding communication on non-alcoholic beers should at the same time be positive for the communication with various stakeholders n the field of health and alcohol policy. The communication at the association level is similar to the DDAD campaign, is aimed at both cconsumers as well as representatives from the political arena.
In 2021, the opinion research institute INSA conducted a consumer survey for the German Brewers Association, which confirmed the trend towards non-alcoholic beers and mixed beer drinks.
At (unser bier), German brewers provide information about the many positive properties of alcohol-free beers.