16 years old? Prove it!

It is the Federation’s absolute responsibility to promote a responsible use of alcohol. The same applies to youth and alcohol. After all, Belgian Brewers is convinced that young people under 16 should not drink alcohol. That is why we agreed with the horeca to reinforce this message and the previous Respect16 campaign was updated.
Managers in the horeca run their business with care, enthusiasm and commitment. One of the responsibilities inherent to this is making sure that the LDA is observed. Selling beer to customers younger than 16 is prohibited in Belgium and observance of current regulations is crucial. But for a pub owner it is not always obvious to check a person’s ID. To help them with this, Belgian Brewers, together with the regional Horeca associations have joined forces. The intention was via an awareness campaign encourage young people to show spontaneously a document that proves their ID and consequently their age. That’s why end 2016 and beginning of 2017 the “16 jaar? Bewijs het maar!” campaign (16 years? Prove it!) was launched. With that catchphrase young customers were invited to always carry their ID on them. In this way we intended to also make it easier for the pub owner or staff to ask for it. The campaign is supported with materials that can be used in the horeca such as a door sticker, a poster, a wobbler for the bar as well as with a website www.16jaarbewijshetmaar.be. Our intention was to use an awareness campaign to encourage young people to show ID of their own accord.