The Brewers of Europe have played an important role over the years in supporting initiatives to promote responsible consumption. It has done so with the support of its national associations and brewing companies.
The European Beer Pledge shows that the brewing sector is contributing not just to the EU’s strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm, but also to the WHO Global Strategy, the WHO Euro Action Plan and the many national action plans across the EU.
Whilst there are inherent difficulties in identifying a direct causal link between improvements in alcohol related harm data and the individual actions supported by the brewing sector, what is undeniable is that, since the adoption of the Beer Pledge, key harm indicators related to the misuse of alcohol have been moving in the right direction.
One such indicator is EU drink drive fatalities, which declined by one quarter.

It is also noteworthy how brewers have been innovating in the production of beer over the course of the Beer Pledge. Where once non-alcoholic beer was a tiny percentage of the beer market, investment in brewing processes and the marketing of these products means that now 1 beer in every 15 is a non-alcoholic beer. This growth is forecast to continue.