In Lithuania, “Grave of a drunk driver” was a nationwide “Do not drink and drive” campaign supported by Lietuvos Aludariu Gildija (the Lithuanian Brewers Guild), executed in the biggest Lithuanian cities – Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda – over the summer of 2013.
Read more ...In Estonia, hard hitting messages were included in a summer 2015 branded campaign of Saku in collaboration with the Estonian Social Insurance Board with the catch phrases ”Don’t touch the wheel while drinking!” and ”You won’t crawl behind the wheel wasted!” in the Estonian language.
Read more ...In the summer of 2013, Aldaris supported the drink drive campaign organized by the State Police, Road Traffic Safety Directorate of the Republic of Latvia, and Ministry of Transport: “About drunk drivers good or nothing…”.
Read more ...In Belgium and the Netherlands, where the BOB designated driver campaigns are well established, individual brands also support the messages against drink driving.
Read more ...Denmark took a number of initiatives to mark the first Global Beer Responsibility Day (GBRD), a worldwide initiative to highlight collaborative efforts promoting responsible beer consumption and addressing alcohol misuse, including striking messages against drink driving.
Read more ...The Portuguese Brewers (APCV) supported an initiative by the Portuguese Foundation of Youth, “Campanha Segurança Sobre Rodas” (“Safety on Wheels Campaign”) aiming to promote road safety by raising awareness among young people, from 16 to 18 years old, who travel on two wheels on the road, especially those driving motorcycles.
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